If you need to urgently talk with us in person, you can call Steve on cell 0274-711-771 or else you can leave your enquiry below so we can reply back to you via email.
* = Indicated a required field
Your Name: *
Phone Number:
How would you like us to contact you? Give me a call back Email me only Call me first and email me also
When is the best time to contact you?
Type of Solar System: On Grid Off Grid Mobile (on the go) Commercial
House Size / Number of people living there Small 1-2 people Medium 2-3 people Large 3-5 people Mansion 6+ people
Is your house a new build or existing? Brand New House Existing House
How many levels is your house? 1 2 3 4 other
Type of Roof: Corrogated/ Tin Metal Longrun Concrete / Terracotta Tile Metal Tile (sheet) Slate Decromastic Other
Roof Angle: Flat pitch 1-10 degrees Small pitch 10-18 degrees Medium pitch 18-34 degrees Steep pitch 35-60 degrees
At what stage of your solar enquiry are you? I am just wanting to find out more information at this stage I already have a solar system install that I need some specialist advice on We are serious about getting a solar installation in the near future and would like a site callout and proposal I need expert advice on solar components
What is your likely timeframe for purchasing a solar power system? 0-2 Months 2-4 Months 4-12 Months Over 12 Months
Where did you hear about us?