
Are you an Unlucky Right House NZ Solar Power customer who is left stranded? March 08 2015

Are you one of those "Unlucky" people who paid upfront for a Solar Power System from Right House (who went into liquidation a month ago) and now are STUCK with nobody wanting to help you get your system finished or to work with you so that it's actually making power and saving money for you? Well never fear, we've already rescued many hundreds of customers all around NZ from these sorts of disasters before. We are highly skilled in system design of high quality Solar PV systems and also in project management to get the right people working on your job, and also directing you in the right direction with good quality EXPERT advise. If you know people or friends in this situation, please get them to get in touch with us.

Companies like power smart and others around NZ may not want to help people who are in this bad situation, and while we respect this is their choice as they are already busy on larger projects, we however are all about helping people and love to see happy endings and good results (even if customers did not purchase the equipment or systems from us in the beginning to start with).

Likewise if you know anyone with a Solar PV system who is "UNHAPPY" with how the system is performing and nobody wants to give them advise or help them out, please put them in touch with us so we can assist them. We are able to get the "BEST" returns available in NZ from New and Existing Solar PV Systems (even if these were supplied or installed by other companies who may or may not be still operating.


Hitek Solar NZ
Empowering Your World

Are you annoyed or worried about the LOW price that the power companies are now paying you for your power? February 27 2015

Do you already have or own an existing Solar Power System at your house that was previously producing GOOD returns for you and saving you alot of money on power per month?

Are you ANNOYED by the fact that the power companies have recently changed the amount of money they're paying you back for power that you sell to them?

We've talked with HUNDREDS of people in the last few months who are all very worried about this as they could see NO Solution in Sight.

NEVER FEAR We've already got the solution available today to SOLVE THIS PROBLEM thanks to our Hitek Energy Management System (HEMS for short). Our system is one of the SMARTEST available anywhere in NZ today and will give ANY Solar Power System Owners the BEST returns from their existing systems and the MOST savings per month (to save you paying money to the power companies).

If you want to know more or want to come see our system LIVE in action please give us a yell. If you have friends, neighbours or other people you know who already have Solar Power and are worried about these country wide changes (that will affect them) please pass on this info so that we can help take away their headache. Our system can typically save clients between $1000-2400 per year (while still leaving you running your existing system) our system simply add's on as a smart management system to do all the work for you.

Hear from you soon.

Hitek Solar NZ - Empowering Your World