Solar Power + Storage - Why every Solar PV system owner should consider adding this for better returns. April 06 2016
Gavin had looked into the options of getting the new Enphase AC battery, and also the Tesla Powerwall battery and Panasonic Home Storage Lithium battery as options, however with a high cost per kW and low storage options (the Enphase only 1kWh usable storage, the Tesla Powerwall only 6.4kWh usable storage per day and the Panasonic only 8kWh storage per day) he really wanted a better solution that offered MORE storage so he wasn't having to waste all his solar production each day sending most of it back to the grid as it had been until our system was installed. This system also allows him to easily expand (and DOUBLE) his storage capacity to 28.8kW anytime he would like to in the future with minimal extra cost per kWh worth of storage, as it's only the extra batteries that would be needed, no inverter, charger or other system upgrades would be required.
This is a perfect example of how Solar Power + Storage (in the right setup) is a game changer today and WHY every home with Solar Power in NZ and Australia should consider adding on this option.
You would have thought that between Enphase, Tesla and Panasonic they could have came up with a solution which would have achieved the same result for Gavin, but in this case their solutions were not up to the task or readily available to retro-fit onto his existing system easily or at an affordable price.
The pictures and graph should best explain and show the savings that our system was giving him over that 24 hour period.